Today Charlie set up a couple of workshops, to help us to add to the range of processes we include in this project.

The Monoprint was particularly messy - think sticky printing inks and rollers. I managed to create a few prints that I liked, and I tried printing with a knit and printing onto it. But the ink on the knit still hasn't dried *UPDATE* (several days later still not dry) So I'm not sure if I will use this technique in my final work.
Next up was flocking and foiling onto fabric. First you have to paint on a thinnish layer of adhesive in you chosen design (or pull through a screen). You need to use a particular adhesive if using flock, and a particular adhesive if using foil. Then you need to wait for the adhesive to dry (or speed it up with a hairdryer) Once the glue is dry you need to put your flock paper (face down) or foil (face up) onto your design and put in the heat press for 20 secs at 160 degrees. Take it out carefully (it will be HoT!) and peel back the paper or film to reveal your finished design!
I decided to use a gold foil in one of my final samples, I foiled onto a piece of blue wool-like fabric from an old dress I got from the charity shop. I like the juxtaposition of the different textures - shiny foil and soft fabric.